The SOMA Method | Postpartum

No female is exempt from rehabilitation and focused strength, mobility and movement training post pregnancy.

SOMA's training programmes will take the guesswork out of postpartum exercise. Uusing a wide variety of strength and conditioning, mobility, and innovative postural and pilates type core exercise SOMA's training programmes are guaranteed to transform how you move and revolutionize how you feel postpartum and beyond into motherhood.

Strengthen your core and pelvic floor, improve stability, strengthen your upper and lower body and load whole body functional movement patterns.

It's not too late.

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The SOMA Method | Postpartum

£210 (£70/month)

A functional training programme for postpartum and beyond into motherhood. This programme takes you through 12 weeks of functional movement training that targets strength, stability and mobility - exercises will target your core, pelvic floor, upper and lower body. This programme is perfect for postpartum / postnatal females who want to get back to exercise, improve posture, ease aches and pains, manage symptoms of prolapse, leaking and diastasis recti and feel more mobile, stable and strong. 

Your programme is planned and progressed across 4 key stages: Foundations, Functional movement patterns, Loading and Progression 

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The SOMA Method Postpartum: Dance Edition

£210 (£70/month)

A programme designed exclusively for postpartum dancers and dance teachers. Whether you are returning or have already returned to the studio this training programme is specifically designed to support the postnatal performer and teacher. This programme takes you through 12-weeks of functional and dance specific movement and strength training designed specifically to rehabilitate and strengthen your core and pelvic floor, strengthen and stabilise the upper and lower body whilst integrating dance specific strengthening exercises and preparing you for the demands of the dance studio.  

Your programme is planned and progressed across 4 key stages: Foundations, Functional movement patterns, Loading, Progression & Dance Specificity 

The SOMA Method | Postpartum


  • 15-minute pre-programme phone consultation 
  • 12-week training programme (optional programme tailored specifically to dancers and dance teachers)
  • 3 x 40 minute (approximately) sessions programmed per week (or choose 2 and extend your training plan to 18 weeks)
  • Educational video on proper breathing technique 
  • Educational video on neutral alignment 
  • Pre and Post programme posture analysis 
  • Pre and Post programme diastasis recti check 
  • Exclusive SOMA instructional videos 
  • TrainHeroic account 
  • Coach support and questions answered for the duration of your training programme


The SOMA Method | Postpartum offers an affordable way to safely rehabilitate and retrain the body postpartum and beyond into motherhood. The programme is a comprehensive 12-week exercise programme (optional programme tailored specifically for dancers and dance teachers) designed and developed to rebuild and strengthen your core and pelvic floor, manage symptoms of leaking, prolapse and diastasis recti, improve posture and retrain and strengthen functional and exercise specific movement patterns. Whether you are newly posturtum or years down the line this training programme will undoubtedly leave you feeling stronger, more mobile, more stable and free of aches and pains. 

The training programme is set BUT with a degree of flexibility. Niamh, your coach, wants to support you - troubleshoot the problems and celebrate the wins. So for example if a particular exercise is exhasberating a pelvic floor problem then we can modify the exercise, give you a different que, or add an additional exercise that you may need. I am passionate about getting you strong, stable, mobile and functional.

Your training programme will be uploaded via the simple and intuitive TrainHeroic app and Niamh will be notified when you have completed a session and if you have any questions that need answering or videos that need reviewing. Yes it really is that good. I want to support you every step of the way. 

No female is exempt from rehabilitation and focused training post pregnancy. Postpartum training programmes need to train and educate females on how to manage core and pelvic floor load whilst integrating whole body stability, strength and mobility training. Effective and focused training will reconnect and strengthen the core and pelvic floor, address muscle imbalances, mechanical and postural changes that commonly occur during pregnancy and parenting! 

A thoughtful and supportive training programme is guaranteed to generate confidence and performance benefits. 

Niamh, founder and coach